I feel like singing & shouting for joy today! It is a BEAUTIFUL sunny day and Spring is definitely in the air. But now I see, it is also bursting from the ground. For the last week or so I have been scoping out my backyard, waiting for those first signs of life poking thru with green shoots! Those first blades of the crocus plant. Today I found them. Oh, I'm sure they've been popping up in yards everywhere for a couple weeks now, but these are in my yard, and my yard gets a lot of shade so I had to be patient!
And today my patience paid off. For there they were stretching out of the cold damp earth and reaching towards heaven, towards the warmth of the sun.
Yes, the ice is still on the lakes, yes there is still snow in the corners of the yard and yes, chances are real that a few flakes could STILL fall, but these little heralds of spring pay no attention to all that and reach through all the same!
Praise God for greatly enriching the earth!