Preparaions for baby are still happening around here - a dresser was built, a crib put together & placed and lots of sorting & organizing happening - my wonderful hard-working husband is in dreamland & I'm back out of bed wide awake.
Excited? Anxious? Restless? I'm not sure which!
The funny thing is I have the song "This is the day that the Lord has made" running through my head. Not sure if its reminding me of the day I just had or preparing me for the day that is about to become?
Today was rather simple - sunny but not too hot. Enjoyable enough to keep all the windows open without turning on the air - I'm thankful for that. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer - the a/c may need to be on but it might also mean I get to splash around in my pool (my pregnancy investment - a kiddie pool) and I would be thankful for that as well. Maybe its just a reminder that I need to be thankful each day, even for the simple things like plastic pools and breezey days.
With this babe racing around my womb like its practicing for the olympics, its hard to lay down & let my body relax. I suppose any mother will tell me that the worrying only begins during pregnancy & probably will last for life. As we draw to the close of this phase of our lives and we look at embarking on the next one: parenthood, there are plenty of things I could be worried about...and I'm sure I will be. So, I'm just trying to be thankful for the moment to moment things. Thankful that my baby is so active that I get constant reassurance that things are ok in there. Thankful that I'm feeling great & not having any complications. Thankful for the abnormally cool spring - helps keep the gardens growing, keeps the a/c off, and keeps me from being too warm. Thankful that my husband's business keeps him busy enough that we can be financially able to provide for ourselves & this new little miracle. Yes, there are many MORE things to be thankful for than there are to be worrying about.
And while I may not be ready for sleeping yet tonight, I'm reminded that "this is the night that the Lord has made" - He's right here in the night time as well as the day and some night things can be special too - the breeze rustling the leaves, crickets singing at us till dawn, the odd frog croaking (probably wishing to eat those crickets) and the quietness of a household in slumber.
What do you know - the baby has settled down in my belly ... maybe I can get some sleep afterall.
Good night friends!
3 weeks ago