Thursday, July 29, 2010

Busy Packing

Blogging is on hold for a bit... big changes coming up for us and I'm busy packing. Be back soon!

Posted by Becky using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, July 16, 2010


We took a spur of the moment drive up to a mountain lake last evening. It was such a beautiful day and we wanted to do a little exploring. We had only planned to go for a quick drive so I didn't take my camera, but thankfully, I had my iPhone in my pocket so I was able to capture some shots from this lovely lil adventure. For anyone that is interested, I believe this is Blue Lake in the Kilpoola area, above Osoyoos.

This lake is more of a bog in my opinion. It smelled rather funky, lots of bugs and the shoreline was really squishy. It was like walking on a sponge. I think its a protected grassland type area. Lots of grasses & stuff to walk thru before you could even get to the shore.
Unfortunately, it wasn't all that easy to get around in flipflops. *duh* Not exactly a 'bare toes friendly' area but I tip toed thru nonetheless.

And speaking of the shore, as I got closer, it got a bit 'other worldly' looking on the ground...

Freakishly weird looking, the iPhone pix really couldn't do it justice but if you click ON the picture you can see it bigger (hmm, this only works on some of them... trying to edit on my phone & its being weird, sorry). I was fascinated by all these little sticky-uppy mud spires. I think they are all mud remnants of where a grass or reed used to be. Because to step on one it was sort of firmer on the inside than just the spongey mud around it.

Here's another view of it more level with the lake. It was just so strange looking.


Anyways, you can see how as it goes back to firmer ground that the little spires become reeds & grasses & other plants.

We walked around the lake a bit because there were some big ol cows grazing and the tiny one wanted to go see them.  They weren't too interested in us though and took off when we got closer, much to his disappointment.

All in all, it was a great spur of the moment place to explore, a beautiful sunshiney evening and now, a place we will return, both with a real camera & proper footware.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer Mornings

This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.

I'm just sitting outside in the shady part of the yard this morning, enjoying the day while my son plays before it gets too hot to be outside.

There isn't a cloud in the sky, the birds are singing, the rosebush is in full blossom and I am at peace.

I know it's going to be a busy and HOT day but I still find myself meditative for these few moments, thankful for this beautiful day and for the beauties surrounding me.

While I still sit in God's Waiting Room, I can at least be content that I'm blessed while I wait and I'm somewhere beautiful.

- Posted by Becky using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, July 08, 2010


Chaos! It's the only word I can think of to describe my mind right now. I have so many thoughts, ideas, questions and plans competing to be the forefront of my brain that I can't focus on any of them.

I have so many things that I want to do vs need to be done that I can't choose where to start and none of them are getting done. I need to get some invoicing done, but to do that I have to tidy the office. So I put away some papers and the coffee mugs and start the dishwasher. Then I throw a load of towels in the laundry and hang the clean ones outside to dry. I clean up toys outside on the grass and maybe fill up the tiny pool. I go back in and remember that I wanted to do invoicing but then it's time to start lunch...

Lunch makes me sit at the table where my laptop sits and I peruse writing and photograph sites, wishing I had more time for taking pix and writing articles.

I then peruse the outdoor adventure magazine that I wish I had time to write an article for, and then think longingly about camping, hiking or getting my kayak out on the water. But with an active toddler those things are on the backburner today.

Which then leads my thoughts to having baby #2 and wondering if or when God might grant us that blessing (as I've been having trouble staying pregnant) Then my thoughts lead to adoption and my heart for an African child, wondering if that could be Gods will for us. Thinking of Africa then moves my thoughts to missions and wondering if that might be our calling one day and perhaps that's why our house hasn't sold yet.

And so the swirling circle in my mind carries on... and I still haven't got any invoicing done!

Posted by Becky using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, July 06, 2010


I wanted to be making strawberry freezer jam this afternoon. It's the perfect day for it. L brought home a big flat of strawberries lastnight. I've cleaned some jars and picked up some sugar and pectin and now the little boy is napping. Perfect timing.

But instead I'm laying here in bed in the dark waiting for a migraine to go away... Hmph!

Not fair! Not fair! I was on a roll. But I guess I needed this forced Time Out to take a rest. I already had a small snooze and thought I was feeling better til I sat up to get out of bed again. No, it's not time yet.

So I'm laying here thinking about Noah for some reason. We watched Evan Almighty again the other night (if you haven't seen it before, do so! It's a great family show) After we watched it we got talking about what it might look like if God asked us to do something big like that too! Would we be capable? Would we even believe it to be possible, that He even asks us stuff like that anymore?

We've been asking God to speak to us a lot in this last year, asking Him for obvious direction on what our next steps should be. He seems silent, although I know He's there. We just aren't sure how to interpret the silence.

What do you do when you feel God is being quiet?

For now, we can only assume that He wants us to continue to wait. And as hard as it is to wait, we don't really have another choice. We hope that He will not have us wait too much longer.

And so, what has this got to do with jam? Well, again I'm waiting, whether I like it or not. On a forced break and instead of laying here doing nothing, I know I can at least make use of the situation and blog. :). So maybe, instead of whining about God making us wait on the bigger questions we have, I can find a way to make use of my time while I wait.

Posted by Becky using BlogPress from my iPhone