In the past I have mentioned the website called The Voice of the Martyrs before but today I wanted to draw your attention to it once more. As I've said before, its easy for many of us not to think about suffering or persecuted Christians around the world but it is very real & something we are asked to pray for.
(Can anyone help me find the verse that asks us to pray for those who are suffering/persecuted/in chains - I've looked & looked & can't find it)
(Can anyone help me find the verse that asks us to pray for those who are suffering/persecuted/in chains - I've looked & looked & can't find it)
I receive a weekly update of who & where Christians are suffering around the world & I received one this morning & found it upon my heart to share it with you, just so you may see a tiny glimpse of those who suffer for the faith we share. I admire & respect these strong believers so much. They are beaten, imprisoned & some of them killed for trying to spread the Word of God & they carry on. Here in North America, some of us are too 'ashamed' of our faith to even share it with people we are close to, when the worst that can happen is maybe they laugh & we lose a friendship, the best, they choose salvation & we have a friend for ETERNITY. Yet, we don't share. For this reason we should be praying for those who do it in places it is much much harder to do.
The newsletter today:
Christian Beaten, Arrested in Andra Pradesh- VOM Sources/ India Christian Council
CHITTOR DISTRICT – On April 11, several Christians were severely beaten by Hindu militants after an evangelistic team returned from distributing gospel tracts in the area. While they were fellowshipping with believers, more than 50 militants attacked them and burnt their literature.
CHITTOR DISTRICT – On April 11, several Christians were severely beaten by Hindu militants after an evangelistic team returned from distributing gospel tracts in the area. While they were fellowshipping with believers, more than 50 militants attacked them and burnt their literature.
HYDERABAD – On April 14, five Christians were arrested for distributing literature and praying for the sick at Gandhi Hospital. On April 15, twenty Christians were attacked by Hindu militants at Bethel Church in Borabanda. Four people were injured, including a three-year-old child. Pray for healing for the injured and ask God to comfort those in prison and their families. Pray Christians in India continue to share Christ with boldness despite their suffering. Acts 4:29
INDONESIA Christian Leaders Arrested – VOM SourcesMore than 40 Christian leaders were arrested after a video recording of them praying for Muslims was leaked to Islamic organizations. Muslims claim the Christians blasphemed the Koran by placing it on the floor and praying for millions of people that had been deceived by it. The Islamic organizations consider the video's content abusive and have released the video to the media. Among the imprisoned were parents of young children. According to sources in Indonesia, some imprisoned women and the elderly have been released.
The Voice of the Martyrs is working to assist families. Pray for those in prison and their families. Ask God to give them boldness and wisdom as they face these difficult challenges. Psalm 138: 2-3
TURKEY Young Muslims Murder Three Christians – Compass Direct NewsOn April 18, five Muslims entered a Christian publishing company and killed three believers in the Southeastern province of Malatya. Two of the victims were Turkish converts from Islam and the third man was a German citizen. It is reported that four of the five attackers admitted that the killings were motivated by both "nationalist and religious feelings." Pray for comfort for the families of the deceased. Pray the testimony of their loved ones will lead others into the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Ask God to give Christians in Turkey perseverance to serve Him in the midst of immense challenges. Matthew 5:3-4
LAOS Christian Families Forced To Leave their Homes- VOM SourcesConstant threats and pressure from authorities have forced five families to leave Nam Heang village. These families are in addition to four that left in February. According to VOM sources, the families recently accepted Christ and are being forced to leave their homes and belongings because of their faith. Their greatest needs are rice and materials to build housing. Pray God will encourage them and protect them. Ask He provides for their needs. Psalm 111:4-5
On the website there are many resources & ways to help beyond just prayer. You can write letters to those who are imprisoned, you can send Bibles to countries that are waiting & wanting them so badly (while I know in my own household, there has to be at least 8 Bibles and 2 people... And some go through pain & death just to obtain a chapter from the Bible)
While searching for that other verse, these verses were shown to me - what a wonderful reminder for us...
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God." 2 Timothy 1:7-8
Addendum: I think this is the verse I was searching for:
"Remember the prisoners as if chained with them..." Hebrews 13:3
Just a quick note to say "hi" and to ask you to check out my blog for a quick post to let you know that I am still around and reading your blog! Cheers! :-)
ReplyDeleteBecky, check in and around the Pauline Letters... There has to be something regarding us to pray for the persecuted there. In the meantime, I will also look.
Very humbling Becky... thanks for the reminder... as we blithely go through our days...
ReplyDeleteI just had to add this... yesterday at our pot luck lunch, our dear freinds Moira (did missionary work for 20 years in India as a teacher) and Amalia (came from Argentina and she returns each year for 3 month and does missions there, where she grew up) these two dear ladies were talking about the waste we make and how it would be treasure here... something as simple as a soup tin...
ReplyDeleteMoira said, at one time she was showing a poor indian woman a photograph of her relative, standing in front of the garage of their home... not even a NICE garage... and the indian woman asked "Is this your house?" ... Moira realized the garage of her home in England was nicer than the home the indian woman lived in...
it was good to expose myself to this...
Thank you for the reminder of how lucky we are to live in a country where one can express themselves, religiously, spiritually and philosophically, without constant fear!
ReplyDeleteHi, A little birdie told me it was a special day tomorrow. A big one, the big 30. So I had to make a special trip over here to wish you a very happy birthday. You don't know me, I am just one of those digital scrappers, in this wonderful community of digital scrapbooking. P.S. I am from New York. Take care and have a wonderful day.
ReplyDeleteHappy BD, Becky!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! I have you bookmarked so I can your blog later.