That being said, life is certainly adaptable to all these changes. My body gets used to less sleep and my heart expands so it can fit in all these new feelings of love and joy. And, I can type pretty well with one hand! :)
That being said, life is certainly adaptable to all these changes. My body gets used to less sleep and my heart expands so it can fit in all these new feelings of love and joy. And, I can type pretty well with one hand! :)
At the time I couldn't believe how many 'stay at home mom' type of blogs there were. Having no desire to start having children at that time, I most likely skimmed past those blogs in order to read others.
Hard to believe I'm one of those types now, my whole world suddenly changed & consumed by this tiny miracle of life called 'baby'.
While things like nature photography, hiking & adventures have gone on the back-burner, life has become a new sort of adventure I suppose. No time to photograph God's outdoor beauty, there are no shortage of subjects indoors. Like chubby toes, gummy smiles, and downy hair.
And my body may not be healed enough to go hiking yet, but a walk to town with a stroller is the newest outdoor challenge for us, small wheels bumping over side-walk joints and the fervent wish that a small boy will stay asleep while getting the benefit of the fresh air & God-made vitamin D.
As the season changes outside to my favourite season of fall, the colors slowly change, I'm no less reminded of God's majesty in creation but those thoughts fall by the wayside as I am awestruck of His miracle creation of my son.
Yes, things change! Thank you, Lord, for changes, outdoors, indoors & in our hearts.
6 days old
We live in a little old house, and for this I am thankful. 2 bedrooms, one bath, an office area, a kitchen, eating area & living room. That's it! Some days it feels too small. And with the new baby coming, I'm sure some days its going to feel even smaller. Some days I wish for an extra bathroom or a little more closet space. Some days I think cleaning the floors will never end and wouldn't wish for one more square foot.
Even though its a small house I'm appreciative what we have. We've made it a home. Its cozy, its welcoming & warm, and its our happy place. You could call it a Love Nest but we want all who visit to feel the love & welcome that's there too, despite its size & age.
Like everyone, we have goals & dreams for where we'll live next. More property, another bedroom or two for our growing family, maybe a view, and definitely room for a shop for Lawrence's business. Some days we scan the realty pages and drool over bigger & beautiful homes. Homes you can get lost in with many rooms and areas.
But when we come home, we are always grateful for what we have.
I think when I spent some time in Africa it help me put a few things in perspective. While we travelled, we lived with the bare necessities...but we saw so many living with even LESS! At times we felt sorry for the ones in tiny huts & tiny villages. But what shocked me most was that they didn't seem to feel sorry for themselves. I saw joy! I saw laughter! I saw sharing & caring for eachother! And I felt so much welcome for each place we visited! What was there to feel sorry about? The little they had brought them joy anyways.
I think I need that reminder more often!
Aside from this oh-so-depressing day of losing trees, things have been going well here in the Wolfe household. My pregnancy nausea isn't quite as bad as before although other lovely symptoms seem to be more than happy to take the spot if nausea is giving me a break!
The weather has been quite chilly lately but fortunately, while cold, it has also given us clear blue sunny skies. I did sneak out one day to Hayne's Point (where I took the above squirrel photos) but the cold wind drove me back home pretty quick!
However, looking at the weather pages of our neighbours to the direct east, Alberta is getting some serious sub-zero temps this week. And to the south, Washington just got hammered with some really heavy snowfall so I guess we don't have it so bad here afterall!
I've been reading the books of Samuel. I'm not sure what motivated me but I started at chapter one and now I'm half way through second Samuel. I suppose its because its an interesting read of battles, treason, love & hate and God's preservation of His chosen ones! I always wonder when David had time to write all those beautiful Psalms when he was either on the run or conquering others in battle. When you pair the Psalms he wrote with moments throughout the books of Samuel, you see a whole other side of the story. Worship, fear, anger, passion, thankfulness and more! I love the Psalms but it has given me a new perspective by refreshing myself on all the journeys David took in his life!
Anyways, bundle up if you're in the deep freeze of winter & enjoy the warmth if you are so fortunate to be in a warmer location!
God Bless!