Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. ~ Isaiah 41:10
Sometimes I have a fear of heights. Its sort of a strange fear compared to some because I can stand on the edge of a cliff, hang off a mountain & stare off a bridge & I don't fear that. Its the 'dangly height' fear. Like gondolas & trams & suspension bridges! But, I continue to try new things & push myself with my fears. Like the Gondola for example in the photo. I went up it, all by myself in Banff, Alberta! Had to take photos to prove I really did it! And then, I decided to cross the Capilano Suspension Bridge in Vancouver. It wasn't that scary at all though there was one lady who went across on her hands & knees. I guess she had worse fears than me! So, I try new things sometimes.
Last weekend, hubby & I took a whirlwind trip to Chilliwack in my car. The roads were fine for half the way, till we hit the mountain pass. Scary stuff! Blowing snow, sleet, wind & icy roads. He was driving & I was scared stiff. The worst part was, I knew I would have to drive home myself the next day because we were there to get him a work van.
I got in the car on Saturday afternoon & I was nervous even before we left the city. Just because I knew of what was to come. However, I'll take my blessings in small doses. Though I was white-knuckled & shaking on the first hour of my drive home, I realized I was doing fine. It wasn't snowing & it was just snowy. No visibility issues, no majour ice. Just compact snow & some slush. I followed my sweety in his van for 4 hours & kept thanking God over & over that it wasn't snowing & that I wasn't in the ditch (for I did see a bad truck accident) All the "fear not" songs & verses I could think of came to my mind which I repeated in my head over & over.
And when we got back home to Osoyoos & he asked me how I was, I said "I hope I don't have to do that again." And his response is "but now you know you CAN!". Ahh, how true that was.
Maybe this year I can try killing my own spiders...maybe!
I can so much relate to your "heights issue!" Way up in the CN Tower ... No problem. On a ladder cleaning out the gutters 20 feet up ... Good luck!
ReplyDeleteI suppose that you really don't know how is it to drive in that weather until you experience it...Bin there, done that... I know what you went through. Glad you got home safe! :-)