Thursday, January 18, 2007

Snow Day

Sunset on Osoyoos
"As snow in summer and rain in harvest, so honor is not fitting for a fool." Proverbs 26:1

Winter is not giving up its grip on us this year. Another inch or two of snow fell on us this morning, making the valley a beautiful white & the valley roads VERY dangerous. Its a good thing we don't have far to go today. I'm a very blessed with a 5 minute 'commute' to my day job. I have had many jobs where I drove up to an hour to get to work and many days of scary winter roads.

I have a co-worker leaving for 2 weeks in Hawaii next week. We're all feeling a little bit of envy as we pick up the snow shovels, lace up the boots & pull another touque on our heads to face this snowy day. Thoughts of hot sandy beaches, clear warm waters & tropical flowers fill my fantasies as I think of where she's going and longing for that sultry summer day again.

However, it IS only January. Thankfully, global warming isn't so out of control that it negates winter altogether. I enjoy all seasons & it wouldn't seem like winter without some of the white stuff. Sort of like the verse in Proverbs about snow in summer. It wouldn't be fitting...but it DOES happen now & then at certain places. However, seeing as God is in total control of the weather, if He wants Calgary, Alberta to have some snow in July, its going to get snow in July. *snicker*

So, the trade off for our temperatures getting slightly warming, creeping back up to the PLUS side of zero, is that we get some moisture coming down. Maybe more tonight. Maybe more tomorrow. But day by day, the sun rises a little earlier & sets a little later & we are getting ever closer to the inevitable happening of Spring.


  1. Hey Becky, enjoy the cool... They say that this summer is going to be one of the hottest in recent history!

  2. Dave - I've heard that too - one of the hottest years for the whole planet! Hard to fathom when we're having one of the coldest & snowiest winters in a looooong time!
