My all time favourite & photographic inspiration is of course, National Geographic. This is my grandmother's Christmas gift to us for the past two years. I love when my NG arrives in the mail (thanks Gran) That kick-started my magazine love.
Maybe I just really enjoy getting something in the mail that isn't bills or junk but when I get a magazine in the mail, I'm ecstatic. Can't wait to get the work day over with so I can find a comfy spot & tear it open. Usually, I flip through the whole thing first & check out the photos. Then I read the articles.
Also on my subscription list is Canada's 'explore' magazine. Its always got fantastic photos, great gear reviews & terrific adventure articles. I'd love to write for this one some day, and include some photos!
I also really like two more magazines put out by National Geographic: NG Traveller and NG Adventure. I finally gave in & got the Adventure subscription because I was buying each issue as it came out anyhow. It includes more high quality National Geographic photos and a lot great Adventure articles & information.
On Christmas day, I ordered myself a subscription to the magazine PhotoLife. Not only is it a high quality photography magazine, but its Canadian and I have this dear eldery gent in my photo club who's daughter is the editor in chief. So its sort of cool. He has all this fantastic photography knowledge (and if you could see his gear! WOW) so I'm sure this is how she got her photography start!
Now, you would think that would be enough to satisfy my post office expectations but no. Yesterday, on a photography forum that I frequent, a local guy mentioned that a brand new magazine has just been started called Outdoor Photography Canada. In fact, its inaugural issue is to be released in March! How could I not be a part of it! It only comes out 4 times a year so I figured I would join in on what could be a fantastic new magazine! (PS I got the magazine graphic off their website - I'm not sure if I'm supposed to post it here but I guess they could consider it a 'plug' for their new mag, free of charge.)
Anyways, aside from those 5 that will come to my mail box, sometimes I will buy the Canadian Geographic magazine - more top notch photography & stories a little closer to home. I often get the British Columbia magazine...even closer to home. And randomly, I will purchase others if the cover appeals to me. Unfortunately in the magazine world you "do judge a book by its cover" so they try to make those as attention grabbing as possible.
So, that's my secret and now not-so-secret confession I have to share with you. I love outdoors magazines & I don't care who knows it!
Do you feel that any of these magazines would be good for Canadian and US? Or no?