Nope, this isn't me. We had some 'fire dancers' performing last summer! It was loads of fun to photograph these, using different shutter speeds & stuff!
Its Thanksgiving Weekend here in Canada. And we have A LOT to be thankful for.
A small list:
I'm thankful for my husband who brings me love & joy every single moment.
I'm thankful for my family, both near & far, that loves, encourages and supports us.
I'm very thankful for my sis-in-law's newfound faith in the Lord - it warms my heart so much!
I'm thankful that God provides for our daily needs, a roof over our head and food on our table.
I'm thankful that God provides so much more than just these two basics.
I'm thankful for Fall, the changes it brings and all that I love about it.
I'm thankful for good friends and the fun & precious times we get to spend with them.
I'm thankful for on-line friends, my CPW gals, and all my blogging friends - a life line of love & encouragement across the wires of the world wide web - enriching my life & my soul.
I'm thankful to be living in Canada where we take so many of our freedoms for granted.
I could probably list many more things but these are just a few that came to mind first. What are you thankful for today...even if its not a Thanksgiving weekend in your country?
Going to take a couple days away from the computer to spend time with family & eating a delicious turkey dinner. See you next week!
"Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so." James 3:10
Guilty...as self-charged! I cringe when I hear someone talking that doesn't know how to speak a single sentence without using profanities. I cringe when I hear someone take the Lord's name in vain. And then, I especially cringe if I hear a profanity come out of my own mouth...but it happens. I don't exactly have control of my tongue at all times.
James also says "the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity" vs 6 and yes, it burns me sometimes. If I lose my patience (especially in traffic) then even if I'm in the middle of belting out a worship song in my car, my melodious praise song can instantly do an about-face to yell at the other offending driver. "These things ought not to be so."
So this is my cofession...but I'm working on it - its not as bad as it once was nor as good as it once was. A phase perhaps, but certainly not a desirable one. And so I keep reading in James, this book of so much wisdom...
"...let every man (and woman) be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath" 1:19