Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Joyful Sunshine

From the rising of the sun to its going down, the Lord's name is to be praised. ~ Psalm 113:3

But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day ~ Proverbs 4:18

Is the sun shining today in your world? January can be pretty grey here in the valley due to low cloud but today it is sunny & beautifully warm. The snow is melting like mad in the sunny spots & water is dripping off the eaves of my roof. Its almost impossible to get in our front door without getting dripped on. The eaves troughs on this house are full of holes. Will be a repair project for the spring I guess.

Warm days like this have a way of making many people cheerier in the winter. Where I work, 7 of us share a small & rather cramped office space. Though we mostly all get along well, some days cabin fever sets in when we get that feeling of clausterphobia or lack of 'personal space'. I have felt it a lot lately with the cold & gray days. Tensions seems to be a little thicker, attitudes change a bit. Its hard not to be affected when one person is having an off day because we are all so close together.

But a day like today, I notice a huge change. The sunlight brings us alive. We seek some fresh air, open the blinds open a little wider so there is more to see and moods are greatly improved. I think God just knows when we need a sunny day in the middle of a bleak month. The whole atmosphere was light & happy today.

And then I look outside. Birds are everywhere. Though they are around on the cold grey days too, today, they are flitting around the backyard, twittering their joyful thanks to their Maker for such a beautiful day. There are also two squirrels that frequent the backyard. Hadn't seen them in several todays but today I can see them scooting all over the tree tops, playing & chasing. Oh yes, the warmth & sun is affecting them too.

I bet if I went & checked, my persistant little lilac bush will have popped a few more buds today.

Thank you Lord for this sunny day


  1. Hello Becky Wolfe.
    You are a thoughtful person.

    It was nice to have you at my blog...
    Have a nice day.:)

  2. Becky, isn't it amazing how a little sun in January can brighten up one's life! Oh how I miss the warmth of summer ... Let's see how thankful I will be this summer! It's supposed to be one of the hottest yet!

  3. awesome picture ..I a trying to learn how to start taking pictures like that ..just get a new camera just not sure how or what to do with it yet ...thanks for sharing
