Let me start todays blog by telling you I prayed for you lastnight, you, my blog friends! I had gone to bed early, thought I would read some Philippians and the above verse was about as far as I got. My eyes too tired to read but my head not tired enough to sleep, so I took it as a sign to pray for my friends. And I chose my blog-reading friends! And I've included the photos I took through the Similkameen river valley yesterday as I went out for a leisurely drive with my camera.
First I prayed for those of you who read my blog but do not comment. I am so glad you take the time to visit my blog & I hope you can be blessed by what is written here.
Janice: I prayed for you as your prepare for your upcoming mission trip with excitement & anticipation following God's leading
Sharon: I prayed for your family & strength for your son.

Susan Kelly Skitt: I pray for the hurts in your past & how they have strengthened you for your future & that sharing them in your blog will strengthen others.
Shona: I prayed for you & the decisions you will be facing. I prayed for Zimbabwe & the politics that are causing extreme inflation & the outpouring of people leaving your country.
Amrita: I prayed for you and the situation with your pastor & the court case you will be facing soon & I prayed for India that those persecuted for the gospel will be reminded of God's love for them so they stay strong in their faith.

Barb: I prayed that we will have a fun day together & that your blog will continue to bless & inspire the digital scrappers world.
LGS: I pray for you & all of Malaysia that God will be doing His work through you to touch the people around you & thanked God that I could have insight into other countries through friends like you.
Rebecca: I prayed for you & your dad to have safe & memorable travel time together
Dave: I prayed for you in hopes that things are alright in your quiet world.
Vanessa - I prayed for you & your boys at your beach house ministry. I pray you will be a place for spiritual retreat & a place where the young people of your community can come & feel loved & be blessed by your welcoming attitude!
Gina - I prayed for the hurts in your heart that God would shower you with His comfort when you find yourself needing it.
Karla: I prayed for you & your beautiful family. How I enjoy reading your stories about the children & the photos you include.
KPJara - I prayed for you to find the church your heart & soul is longing for so that you will find a place of fellowship that meets your needs & desires.
Ed & Judi: I pray that God will encourage you and strengthen you for your awesome ministry & empower you to continue on this new path of 'stepping out' to do church different.
SunnySusan: I prayed for your writing & the way your encourage & bless through your blog.
Mom & Dad: I know you both stop in to read my blog from time to time so I prayed for you too and for all the decisions you have to make about your upcoming purchases.
How special I feel....thanks and what a encouraging thing to do....
ReplyDeleteI am going to do it also.....thanks
Be Blessed
Thanks for remembering us in prayer. It is heart warming and encouraging. There has been a deterioration of religious freedom and of justice in Malaysia of late. A real fight between those that stand for justice and those that stand for oppression. I will post with more details soon. In the meantime, thanks for the prayers.
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say Becky...thank you so much my sister. Prayers connect us to each other, the Holy Spirit does it.
ReplyDeletesending you a big hug
Your depth never ceases to amaze me Becky. You've touched me with your prayer. You are the GENUINE article, my friend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I did not get to visit your blog before we actually spent yesterday together... it was a blessing to share this time and occaison. I love you!
Thank you so much Becky.I just know that something really powerful is going to happen on my trip I can't wait. I really believe in the power of prayer. I have kept you in my prayers as well. Your blog has really blessed me in so many ways.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless you for such a wonderful post.
That is one of the sweetest things I've read in a long, long time!
ReplyDeleteThank you and blessings to you!
I so enjoy reading the comments after I read your blog, to hear thoughts and comments from people I don't know but feel some connection to through you my daughter, God Bless you for being a blessing to so many others including your folks, God Bless all of you that she prays for too- the Mom
ReplyDeleteThank you my friends for your comments. Thank you for letting me know I have your prayers as well. This is "church" my friends. We are the church when we love & encourage eachother!
ReplyDeleteBecky, thank you. What a lovely thing to do. What an encouragement you are to others. What a reminder of the importance and the need for prayer. What a joy to get to know you through your blog. What a blessing your thoughts and pictures are to all!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your prayer the other night! You know what? Things have gotton a bit better!