INDONESIA Three Sunday School Teachers Released from Prison “ VOM Sources/ Compass Direct NewsPraise God! Dr. Rebekka, Mrs. Eti and Mrs. Ratna have been released after two years in prison. We rejoice and thank you for your prayers. According to Compass Direct News, a crowd had gathered to welcome the women as they walked free from Indramayu district prison in West Java. An eyewitness told Compass, "The women appeared happy and peaceful as they emerged from the prison gates. All three said they had no fear for the future and were convinced that God would protect and guide them forward." Psalm 46:7, 1 Peter 2:9-10, Psalm 32:7
CHINA UPDATE: House-Church Leader Sentenced to Six Months “ China Aid AssociationOn June 4, 2007, Beijing house-church leader Hua Huiqi was secretly sentenced to six months in prison at Chayang District People's Court. According to China Aid Association (CAA), Hua's wife and lawyer were not allowed to attend the trial which lasted about two hours. CAA expects Hua to be released from prison next month. Pray Hua and his mother are strengthened and encouraged in prison. Pray for their release and for God to heal Shuang Shuying. Psalm 103:1-5
INDIA Two Christian Leaders Killed, VOM Coordinator Attacked “ VOM Sources
UTTER PRADESH - On June 2, 2007, two Christian leaders were stabbed to death at a Christian school and orphanage in Etah District, Uttah Pradesh. According to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts, it is believed Samuel Masih and Aman Singh, leaders at the school, were brutally killed by anti-Christian Hindu extremists. "Aman Singh's body had more than 20 stab wounds, while Masih had been stabbed five times. Police are investigating. Robbery has been ruled out as a motive, and the family suspects that religion was a factor," the contacts said. Pray for the families of those killed. Pray believers in this area will be strengthened and encouraged despite the hardships they face.
BANGALORE “ On June 8, 2007, a coordinator for The Voice of Martyrs was attacked at his home by Hindu extremists. According to VOM contacts, more than 150 extremists were bussed in from different areas and gathered at his house, which also serves as a house church. "Brother N hid in a room while other believers contacted the police. While the police arrived, the crowd grabbed him and beat him severely. He has cuts and bruises and was nearly unconscious when he was taken away to the police station and hospital." Pray for healing for Brother N's injuries and for believers in India who are experiencing an increase in persecution. Psalm 147:1-7, 1 Thessalonians 3:7-10
LAOS Believers Forced to Pay Village Leader for Being a Christian “ VOM SourcesThe head of Nam Thuam village has set a rule that people in his village cannot become Christian. According to The Voice of the Martyrs' contacts, anyone who converts to Christianity has to pay 500,000 Kip (about $52 U.S.) or their family will be evicted from the village. Three families have accepted Christ and they do not have money to pay the leader of the village. Pray for protection for these families and for other believers in Laos. Psalm 5:11-12
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