UZBEKISTAN Imprisoned Pastor Transferred to Harsher Camp Forum 18 News/ VOM Sources Imprisoned Pentecostal pastor, Dmitry Shestakov, has been transferred to a harsher labor camp in Navoi, Uzbekistan. The new camp is a longer distance from his wife and three children. In May 2007, Shestakov was sentenced to four years in an open work camp, in Andijan, for "religious activity." Christians in Uzbekistan told Forum 18 News, "The authorities claim he misbehaved in the open work camp and thats why they ordered his transfer to a harsher camp. We believe this was deliberately set up." Forum 18 News reports that Pastor Shestakovs transfer comes as authorities prepare administrative trials against members of his congregation in his home town of Andijan in the Fergana Valley in eastern Uzbekistan. Pray for Pastor Shestakov and his family. Ask God to watch over them during this difficult time. Psalm 32:7, Psalm 91:14-16
CHINA House-Church Leader Assaulted by Police China Aid Association: On May 15, 2007, Liu Fenngang, a house-church leader in Beijing, was assaulted and detained by police, while he was going to a birthday celebration. According to China Aid Association (CAA), Liu's family was threatened and told not to draw public attention to his unlawful arrest. Liu told CAA, "It was at 7:15 a.m., and I was stopped by a plain clothed police man while walking down stairs. After a bit of shoving, I managed to work my way to the bottom of the stairs. Then, more policemen confronted me, saying they had no good reason or legal basis to arrest me, but they simply couldn't allow me to leave the building." CAA adds that some police officers told Liu they knew arresting him was illegal, but said if they let him go, they would lose their jobs. Pray Liu Fenngang and his family remain strong in their faith. Pray his health will not be affected by the assault. Isaiah 38:16, Acts 4:29-30
ERITREA Twenty Christians Arrested by Security Forces “ VOM Sources / Release Eritrea: At least 20 Christians, including several children, were arrested and detained when security forces raided a home south of the capital, Asmara. According to Release Eritrea, authorities went to the home expecting to arrest a group of Christians gathered for prayer. When they did not find a meeting they arrested the families living in the home and several Christians in the neighborhood, including a well-known Bible teacher and church leader, Pastor Michael Abraha, of the Kale-Hiwot Baptist church. There is considerable concern for the pastor's health because he is diabetic. Pray the arrested Christians will be encouraged. Ask God to raise up more believers in Eritrea to take the place of those who are imprisoned. Pray for Pastor Michael's health. Psalm 91: 1-2
TURKEY Pray for the Families of Martyred Christians “ VOM Sources Continue to pray for the families and loved ones of three men martyred in Turkey in April. Pray God will heal their hearts and meet their needs. Some Christians have been singled out in media coverage of this case; pray for their protection and God's provision for them. Pray that Muslims in Turkey will be drawn to ask why these three men were willing to die, and through their testimonies will be drawn to faith in Christ. Psalm 68:5
Thank you for reminding us to pray for our brothers in chains.Prayed while i read thepost.
ReplyDeleteI am using the info here for my church prayer letter and we will be praying specifically for the situation in Eritrea tonight. god bless.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reminding me Becky. I won't take my day for granted - a day free to worship our Lord and Savior with no persecution... I will uplift those who stand in thru adversity.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this report. I'm praying.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Becks - I think you would enjoy today's entry at my friend's blog - both for her amazing photos and for her journal entry!