Ladies, today is our day. The chapter of the virtuous woman. I've been anticipating it all month. You don't have to be a wife or mother to learn from this chapter, just a woman! Oh how much better the world could be if all women strove to be this sort of woman. What kind of woman is she?
She's crafty & skilled.
"She seeks wool and flax, and willingly works with her hands." vs. 13
I am no Martha Stewart when it comes to things like sewing. It took my hubby a lot of begging to get me to sew his pocket back up after months of it hanging loose because I just don't have that skill but I am always so impressed by women who can sew their own stuff. I enjoy crafts - things like scrapbooking, painting & decorating. I like doing stuff with my hands too.
She goes beyond what is easy
"She brings her food from afar." vs 14
I think this refers to a woman that can go out of her way to make things special. In the supermarket world we live in, most of us just want to go into one store, get all we need and go home. But sometimes, its necessary to make the extra effort. Sometimes if you know there is somethign special that you can make or bring home for someone by going to a different store, or even making special orders, I think that this is the same virtue.
She is a provider.
"She also rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household." vs 15
Do you get up early & make breakfast for your family on weekends? Do you always make a little extra just in case someone else might stop by? Do you make your husband or children's lunch? Do you ever take a meal or snack to someone who might need it? Then you too have the virtue of being a provider.
She is wise with her purchases & can turn them for profit
"She considers a field and buys it; from her profits she plants a vineyard." vs.16
This verse always surprises me because I think of it from a cultural time where women weren't maybe free to make these sort of decisions because the men took care of stuff like that. I like that this shows a woman with a good business sense, a woman who's virtue may lie in business & buying & selling because there are so many women in business today. She not only considers the business side of things but she also manages the labour and makes a profit! You Go Business Girls!
She is not a weak woman. She is not a meek woman.
"She girds herself with strength & strengthens her arms." vs.17
We are called to have our own strength & not to rely on the man for all things that require a little muscle. Whenever I'm out kayaking, I can feel each and every muscle in my arms & shoulders & can feel better that I'm getting some strength in a place that is usually very flimsy & weak for myself. I may need this strength for something one day. For you, you may need it to lift a child, or perhaps you have a job that requires lifting or carrying, or one day your arms may be needed to lift the fallen or care for a husband that is sick. Yes, we women need strength in our arms
She has compassion for the needy
"She extends her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy." vs 20
I think this verse even goes beyond meaning that she donates to charities because it refers to her hands twice. I think a compassionate woman will not only have compassion for the less fortunate, but she'll be in there with them, comforting them or being of service.
There is more to say about this mighty woman of virtue so I encourage you to read on & discover her other attributes of virtue. Like I mentioned before I started, when reading Proverbs when I was younger, I always dreaded the 31st because it was a reminder of all the things I was striving to be (and yet not always succeeding) But I do not dread the chapter 31 anymore because I think she is a shining example of how all us women should strive to be. It should not be a reprimanding chapter, but more a reminder of which way we should be headed!
Blessings to all my women friends that we may strive to be this Virtuous Woman. Blessings to all my male friends that you may be blessed with some of these attributes in your mother, your sister, your spouse, your daughter or a friend!
Thanks so much friends for sticking with me for 31 Days of Proverbs. I have grown through it immensely!