But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day. ~Proverbs 4:18
I find this verse paints such a beautiful picture in my mind. We've had a few rainy days (including an AMAZING hail storm) here which has been welcome & refreshing in this dry little desert valley. But there is nothing to bring up my spirits like a bright sunny day. Was feeling a little down in the dumps these past few days here at work, but maybe part of it had to do with the rainy weather we were having. This afternoon, the sun is shining, its FRIDAY and I'm looking forward to the weekend of sunshine. Yes, bright sun definitely makes me happy. I suppose I have chosen a great place to live if that's what I need.
So I think of this verse "the path of the just". How is it like the shining sun? Well, in my case, I can say if we are to follow the path of the just, we should be spreading joy like sunshine. And the closer we get to the Lord's return, which, if you follow my blog, you'll know that I believe it to be soon, the closer it comes, the BRIGHTER we should be shining. Sharing the gospel (I admit, I'm not very good at it) but spreading joy that Christianity is a joyful thing, not a strict rule-dominated boring legalistic thing. Joy! Happiness! Like the sun! Getting only brighter and not dimmer.
Its a good reminder to me especially this week of being melancholy. I find myself very frustrated with my job so there is no sunshine emitting from me! Suddenly, I'm getting a good dose of spiritual Vitamin D when the sun comes back out & I find my attitude has improved. Time to get back on the path!
I understand completely. There is nothing so uplifting after rainy/cloudy days than the warmth of the sunshine.
ReplyDeleteAnd there is nothing better than to cheer us spiritually than the sonshine.
Thank you for a beautiful post.
You always make me HAPPY, Becks, tho perhaps your wanting to be 'sunshiny' too... and your always INSPIRING to me...
ReplyDeleteAt work, when it gets hard, tell yourself that you're really working for GOD... that may put some sunshine on your difficult work times... I wish I could break you out of that place. I think you do marvelously considering... I don't know how I would handle it all - not as gracefully as you do, I am sure.
See you at our 'lil church ...
Beautiful post
ReplyDeleteBe Blessed
I hope things get better regarding your job. I know how hard that can be. Keep concentrating on the positive things...
ReplyDeleteAn old hymn came into my mind today, when I was feeling overwhelmed. "Count Your Blessings". I used to sing it in church, as a child.
Thinking on sunny days... praying for you at work. I have a dear friend who has a difficult job too so I feel for you.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the special thoughts. I'm trying to find a godly attitude while at work. But its definitely not coming easily.
ReplyDeleteI'm very thankful that I only work till 4 and I'm thankful for weekends!!