"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth." Proverbs 27:1
All I wanted yesterday morning was to wake up to clear blue skies & no wind...perfect recipe for morning kayaking. Every day last week, I drove to work before 7:00am pouting as I looked down at the glassy calm lake. So I fully expected it for Saturday morning. But instead, I woke up to hazy & breezey. And I was sooooo disappointed. *sulk sulk sulk* I came back in & pouted at the computer thinking I had been so ripped off for the weekend & 'woe is me'.
While I sat there having my own little pity party of how things were so unfair, hubby poked his head in an hour later to see if I had noticed that it was sunny & the wind was gone! Whoops! So focused on myself that I didn't notice the change in weather.
So I loaded up my boat & zipped down to the lake (2 minutes away) and happily paddled away in the sun & calm peaceful waters for a good hour. However, it was about half way through my joyful paddle that I leaned back to relax and suddenly realized how silly I had been & what a beautiful perfect gift God had given me that morning, even in my selfish misery. It was like He said 'here ya go! Go enjoy it & quit your whining. I've changed the weather just for you!" So I took a moment to thank Him for the gift He gave me & I was amazed how well He knows our needs & gives us stuff even when we are being ungrateful. And that just when we think we know how the day is going to turn out, He can turn it around just like that!
After I had enough of paddling, I went back home and just as I got unloaded, the weather turned back to cloudy & windy. Isn't our God an amazing God!
Sounds like a fantastic way to (greatfully) spend a Saturday morning Miss Becks. Talk to you soon.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had been out there with you!
ReplyDeleteGod gave you something to remind you how much he loves you! If it hadn't been hazy/breezy at first, you may not have realized his loving touch. What an awesome God we have. And he probably enjoys going Kayaking with you!
Sounds like a special treat to me!
ReplyDeleteIt was fantastic!
ReplyDeleteSharon - you're so right. If it had been the weather I expected, I just would have gone out with no appreciation . It was definitely my gift. And it was a good place for my time alone with Him!
Rebecca - it really was!
God is good.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I prepare a monthly prayer newsletter for my church. One section is for praying for the world. This month I chose to put up the item on the Christian families in Laos being expelled and separated which I got from your VOM post last Friday. Just wanted you to know.
God is so good all the time. And isn't it wonderful when we see and acknowledge the little gifts He gives!
ReplyDeleteI agree, He probably loves to kayak with you. :-)