"Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad. The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray." ~Proverbs 12:25-26
I can imagine that almost all of us have suffered with anxiety in our lives at least once. (If you haven't you are very blessed) Anxiety can be caused by a number of things and can be different for one person than another. It can last just a few moments, or for others, a lifetime. And it can turn into depression.
I have suffered with some bouts of depression in my past & there were times where I just didn't feel like I was going to be able to get away from it. Sometimes, I even enjoyed it, because it can feel good to feel sorry for yourself. I would revel in my own private pity-party full of all my 'woe is me's thinking nobody could understand how I felt.
But I had some very special people in my life that kept me from sinking further into it. People I leaned on & those that uplifted me when I needed it the most. They were true friends to me and helped me through the ugly feelings where I began to reach for the light on the other side.
I'm very thankful for friends! I have some friends right now that are such a blessing to my life! I have old friends & new friends, church friends & unchurched friends. It is definitely harder to be the 'shining light' in a group of unrighteous people. You think that you can 'rub off' on them by being the good example but more often than not, the opposite is true. When there is one rotten apple, all the good apples can't restore it to be un-rotten. So goes sometimes with people. You want to be positive but when you are surrounded by negative, negative feelings can begin to grow in you too. However, this does not cause me to give up these friendships either. For I want to see these unrighteous become the righteous one day too. So I try a little harder to guard myself when I'm with them in hopes that they see beyond my imperfect heart & see the heart of God within me.

Such an uplifting friend, is you, to me, My Becks! You make me see the SUNSHINE between the clouds.
ReplyDeleteYour photos are amazing - you have a knack of wringing out the very bestest photos wherever you go! I am so impressed with your talent!
Love your post again. I to have experienced anxiety and depression about my back injury and thank goodness I had some Christian friends to help pull me out of what I was in. It was like God knew who exactly to put in my life to help me and he knew I would listen to them. You have been a good friend the last few months. Thanks so much for your encouraging words. But I have learned to turn all my anxiety over to God now and I know he will lift the burden from me.
ReplyDeleteLove your picture. That is awesome!
Becky, I can really relate.... This is one blog that I needed to read today! Thanks! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks Barb - it was fun photographing at your place on Wednesday. I just loved the view of that mountain from down on the lake there! No matter what the view, my time spent with you is always uplifting as well.
ReplyDeleteJanice - its amazing what good people can do for our spirits! We are so lucky to have friends help us thru life's difficult times...and friends that are there for the good & the bad. I'm still learning about turning it over to God but amazing things happen when I do!
Dave - you have been missed in blogland as your posts always make me think. I pray God is surrounding you with His genuine love & comfort right now for whatever the things are that you are going thru or need! I miss your photos!
Again, I appreciate your insight and thank you for your post.
ReplyDeleteIn Christ,